We are excited to offer this specially designed level for dancers with special considerations and life challenges.
We recommend contestants enter this level if they have little to no competition experience.
We recommend contestants enter this level if they have moderate competition experience.
We recommend contestants enter this level if they have significant competition experience.
Judges reserve the right to move competitors into appropriate level if they deem necessary.
Duos/Trios: The highest level dancer will determine level placement.
Group routines: The majority of the group will determine the level.
If a dance is an even split, the dance will be placed in the higher level.
Entry Categories
1 dancer
Title Solo
1 dancer
2-3 dancers
Small Group
4-9 dancers
Large Group
10-19 dancers
Ultra Group
20+ dancers
10+ dancers
Music & Time Guidelines
3 minutes
Small Group
3.5 minutes
Large Group
3.5 minutes
Ultra Group
3.5 minutes
4 minimum, 8 maximum minutes
Extended Time
10 minutes maximum, with 4 dancers minimum
Age Categories
6 & under
Young Adult
The age for each dancer is determined by his/her age on the first day of the year; 1/1/2024. The age category will remain the same for Nationals competition. Age division for duos, trios and groups is determined by averaging the ages of the total group. Averages ending in a decimal, will drop the decimal and round down to the nearest age division.
Title Entry Information
Title awards are given out at both regional and national competitions. Title contestants must be entered in the “competitive” category. If your solo is entered in the Title Category you will only qualify for Title Overalls. You may also qualify for the highest score for the entire weekend. Title Overalls are only a Top 3 in each age group.
Performance Categories
Acrobatic/rhythmic gymnastic movements incorporating dance technique and choreography for fluidity.
Choreography consisting of classical ballet technique and movements, wearing soft ballet slippers. Absolutely no acro/tricks may be included.
A rhythmic, percussive style of dance done in clogging shoes, keeping time with the music. Pre-recorded sounds are prohibited.
Fusion of ballet and/or jazz techniques with modern elements, demonstrating emotion, balance and control. Acrobatic movements may be included, however may not make up more than 40% of the routine
Hip Hop
Routines consisting of hip-hop/free style dance movements.
Traditional dance reflective of the cultural folkloric style of a people or region.
Dance routines utilizing traditional jazz technique. No more than three acrobatic movements permitted. Jazz or character shoes.
Demonstrating ballet or jazz technique with musical interpretation and storytelling. No more than three acro/lifts permitted.
Consisting of modern technique and abstract style of movement.
Musical Theater
Musical or Broadway style interpreted through music, dance and characterization
Any dance style that does not fit into a particular category as outlined above, consisting of a dance style or combination of styles.
Dancers execute classical ballet technique or contemporary ballet technique in pointe shoes with at least 60% danced en pointe.
Routines executing tap technique using tap shoes. Pre-recorded taps are not permitted in music.
Scoring & Awards
There are five award levels for which performers are eligible:
Ultimate PLUS
A total score of 300 points based on the following criteria:
40% on technique
30% for performance
20% for choreography
10% on overall appearance
Scoring Grid
High Silver - Score of 228-245.99
Gold - Score of 246-263.99
High Gold - Score of 264-275.99
Ultimate - Score of 276-290.99
Ultimate Plus - Score of 291-300
​Each dancer will receive a Spirit pin reflecting their adjudication, and a Spirit medal will be awarded for each group entry. Solo, duo and trios will each receive a medal when awarded.
Overall Awards in each age group, category & level will be awarded based on the number of entries. Trophies will be awarded to 1st place, all others will receive a Top 5 or Top 10 Award.
Highest Score of the weekend in two age groups 12 and under and 13 and Up will receive a Highest Score Trophy and a gift certificate of $50 or $100.
Our Title Winner will receive Title Jackets and Crowns and be invited to take a professional photos with our Traveling Trophy.
Choreography and Young Choreographer will be awarded with a Choreo Plaque and a Choreographer sweatshirt.
Three qualified dance professionals will critique all entries along our talented Emcee giving Specialty awards.
Video Judge critiques will be available for viewing online with your DanceBug account.
All performers participating at a Regional event in 2025 will be eligible for Spirit of Dance Awards Nationals to be held in Cape Cod, MA, July 6-13.
Studios are required to upload their music online after completing their registration. Music must be uploaded in the online registration portal at least two weeks prior to your scheduled event. Please contact our office if you have any issues while uploading. We still ask that you bring a back up option (USB Flash Drive, iPod, or iPad) to the competition in case there is an issue with the uploaded music. CDs will NOT be accepted as backup music.
Back up music submitted at the competition, must be submitted to the merchandise table at the time of check-in. Music must be properly edited to accommodate the routine; correct pitch/speed, fades in/out.
SDA is not responsible for mislabeled or poorly recorded music.
If music skips or fails at anytime during a performance due to faulty music supplied by the studio, we can not allow that routine to perform again. This rule must be strictly enforced in order to give everyone an equal opportunity and to keep the schedule running on time. If music fails to work on the first try, before dancers perform, that routine may be placed on hold until music is found. It is the responsibility of the studio to bring a backup music. Spirit of Dance is not responsible for any USB Flash Drives, Ipods, Ipads, etc. that are not collected after an event.
Stage props are allowed with the following limitations: Props must be carried and placed onto the dance floor. All props must be set up and recovered within a 2-minute period. Prior approval is required if additional time is needed. Dangerous props including, but not limited to, fire, water, glass, knives, swords, and pyrotechnics are strictly prohibited. All props must be removed from the stage following performance. CONFETTI CANNONS ARE CONSIDERED A FIRE HAZARD AND ARE NOT PERMITTED.
Rules & Regulations
All dancers must be ready to dance 60 minutes prior to their scheduled performance time. Dancers must report backstage 6 numbers prior to their scheduled performance time. Additional breaks may be added if the competition is running more than 30 minutes ahead of schedule.
Consideration for a particular performance time must be requested at the time of entry, and is at the discretion of the director. No changes will be made on the date of the event.
SDA Policies
ALL entries must be received by our office no less than 30 days prior to the first day of the scheduled event. Entries received after the deadline will be accepted at the director's discretion. Entries submitted without payment are not considered valid until payment has been received in full. PAYMENT IS DUE 45 DAYS BEFORE EACH EVENT. Only one studio check, bank check or credit card will be accepted for payment. Once payment has been processed, refunds will not be issued; credits may be issued at the discretion of the director.
Payments made less than 10 days prior to an event must be paid by cash, bank check, or credit card only. SDA will confirm receipt of entries by email. If you do not receive confirmation, it is strongly advised that you contact our office.
Event schedules and additional information will be sent by email approximately 10 days prior to the event IF YOU ARE PAID IN FULL.
Entries may be submitted through DANCE-BUG. Dancers are not limited in the number of entries, however soloists cannot compete against themselves in any one category. If for any reason you require an entry form, please contact us.
All entries must be suitable for family viewing. Dances/routines displaying violence, social prejudice and/or are sexually suggestive are inappropriate for family viewing and will result in disqualification at the discretion of the director.
SDA expects courteous conduct and good sportsmanship from each and every participant; teachers, choreographers, parents, and competitors. Studios do not have the right to reserve a dressing area; designated dressing areas are to be shared by all. Dancers are expected to keep their respective areas clean and litter free and to respect the property of fellow dancers.
Photos and video recordings are not permitted in the competing area. This rule will be strictly enforced to protect the integrity of the choreographers and for the safety of the dancers on stage. Failure to abide by SDA policies may result in disqualification.
Food and drinks are not permitted in the auditorium. Smoking is strictly prohibited on school property at any time. No exceptions.
Any person(s) abusing or causing damage to property will assume full financial responsibility. Misconduct of any kind by an individual may lead to disqualification for the organization to which he/she is affiliated.
DESIGNING DANCES DBA SPIRIT OF DANCE, is not liable for personal injury or property loss to any participant or spectator. Spirit of Dance reserves the right to change or cancel an event, or to change the location, with notice. All participants release the rights to the use of their photos and/or videos by Spirit of Dance Awards, LLC, for promotional purposes.